Apprenticeships are a powerful, win-win solution for employers and workers. National Fund collaboratives are working with employers to grow strong apprenticeship models across the country in traditional industries, such as manufacturing and construction, and new industries, such as IT, healthcare, and cybersecurity.
Apprenticeship Tools & Resources
Guides & Reports
- Center for Economic Development: Apprenticeship in Brief
- Department of Commerce Report: The Benefits and Costs of Apprenticeships: A Business Perspective
- Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration: Available Occupations
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia: Apprenticeship Guide
- North Carolina Justice Center Report: Making Youth Apprenticeships Equitable and Effective: Lessons From North Carolina
- Department of Labor: ApprenticeshipUSA Toolkit
- Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration: States That Offer Tax Credits to Employers for Hiring Apprentices
- H-CAP: National Library of Apprenticeship Resources
- Jobs for the Future: Center for Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning
- National Fund: Readiness Checklist for Employers Considering Apprenticeships