Investing in Long-Term Care Workers Improves Retention and Patient Satisfaction

In the U.S., the average retention rates for long-term care workers ranges between 50 and 60 percent. By comparison, Syracuse-based healthcare provider Loretto’s retention rate of 79 percent is substantially higher the national average. What’s their secret? Supervisors who also act as career coaches for employees on their team.

Well-trained supervisors are key to retention, and Loretto uses the train-the-trainer model to identify, refer and train staff in the Central New York area for these roles.

Loretto’s PACE managed long-term care program invested in frontline workers, creating a career path and training programs for employees, which led to higher retention rates, an expanded talent pool, and improved patient outcomes.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that an additional 1.1 million long-term care workers will be needed by 2024. Since September 2017, Loretto has invested in 336 frontline employees and is on track to hire an additional 1,000 workers. This approach connects frontline staff to career coaching, so long-term care workers have a clear path for advancement.

By offering staff expanded training opportunities and implementing supervisory coaching, Loretto is proving that investing in frontline workers pays off. Loretto’s innovative approach to retaining and training employees is the reason the National Fund for Workforce Solutions recognizes them as a 2018 CareerSTAT Frontline Healthcare Worker Emerging Champion. Learn more about what makes Loretto an Emerging Champion employer here.

“At Loretto, we have a dual mission – to the people we serve each year and to our 2,500 employees. We are proud of our frontline employees and the work we do. As an employer, we believe that we have the power to change the future and are committed to doing our part to make it happen.”

– Kimberly Townsend, President and CEO

CareerSTAT’s Frontline Healthcare Worker Champion program recognizes healthcare organizations investing in the careers and skills of their frontline workers. Organizations are designated as Champions and Emerging Champions. Champions meet all of CareerSTAT’s recognition criteria, including making skill and career development accessible, offering programs at a significant scale, measuring program business impact, and building sustainable programs. Emerging Champions are in earlier stages of investment and working with CareerSTAT leaderships to strengthen their programs. Learn more at

This blog is a part of a series highlighting the 2018 CareerSTAT Frontline Worker Champions. See our other blogs featuring Champion organizations: Staten Island Performing Provider SystemWashington Association of Community and Migrant Health CentersEast Alabama Medical CenterDartmouth-HitchcockDistrict 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund, and Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System.