The Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas is a one-stop resource for job seekers and employers. At Workforce Centers, job-seekers will find the tools and training needed to build successful careers, and employers will find help with their hiring, training, or human resources needs. Because many local, state, and federal organizations help provide these valuable services, most are available free of charge.
Sector Focus
Industry Partnerships
PACES Aviation Partnership
The PACES Aviation partnership is addressing the growing skills gap faced by employers seeking qualified applicants by utilizing industry-recognized credentials and developing career pathways. PACES is moving low-income, low-skilled workers into high-demand, high-wage careers in aviation and advanced manufacturing and promoting available jobs and career ladders in manufacturing.
PACES Health Care Employer Partnership
PACES seeks to increase the number of individuals entering training for a career in health care by creating and strengthening partnerships within the regional health care community to create a sector strategy for low-income, low-skilled adults to enter a health care career path. The guidance for this strategy comes through roundtable sessions and one-on-one meetings with the employer partners. PACES works to increase awareness among employers of best practices in employment and skills training programs that lead to successful outcomes for both employers and low skilled job seekers. The employer partners are also provided the opportunity to give feedback to the public workforce system and education and training providers to guide the investment of resources and development of policy.
Collaborative Contact
Collaborative Successes: Posters from 2015 Annual Meeting
7.15.15 • National Fund for Workforce Solutions • Blog
Workforce Alliance gets $50,000 to support employee training program
2.1.17 • Josh Enoch • News