Designing Better Jobs to Make Work WORK for Everyone

Each year during Black History Month, I’m always energized by all the ways we celebrate the myriad accomplishments of Black Americans and the Black community’s contribution to building the foundations of this nation. But I also recognize that it is…


And Still, We Rise…Onward and Upward Toward an Equitable Future

People have been asking my thoughts on the election. Some have wondered why I didn’t release some sort of statement right away. But the truth is, like many people, I needed a minute to process my thoughts. Big change is…


SHIFTing the Atmosphere in Workforce Development

My head is still spinning from SHIFT 2024. I still can’t get over how awesome it was! I’ve heard from so many of our attendees and it feels like the overwhelming sentiment was that this was the National Fund’s best…


SHIFTing into Workforce Development Month!

It’s September and you know what that means — SHIFT is almost here! I love seeing all the buzz and excitement growing among everyone who is eager to join us in Memphis. September is also Workforce Development Month, when we…


How Healthcare Champions Are Creating Good Jobs and Building Equitable Workplaces

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world forever. The healthcare industry, already facing staffing shortages pre-pandemic, felt the impact particularly hard. The stress of serving on the frontlines as the virus ripped through communities continues to resonate with frontline healthcare workers…


Are You Joining Me in Memphis?!

Summer is flying by, and with fall fast approaching, my excitement is growing for SHIFT! We are working hard here at the National Fund putting the finishing touches on what I know will be our best convening yet. This year’s…


Why Assistance With Childcare Is So Important to Employees

Childcare assistance is an essential benefit that can significantly impact employees’ lives. For many working parents, juggling professional responsibilities and family obligations, especially childcare, can be one of the most challenging aspects of their daily routine. Increasing demand for employer-provided…


It’s Time for Congress To Invest in a More Equitable, Resilient Workforce System

Last month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation intended to modernize and reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA is the primary law that establishes our nation’s public workforce system. While the House bill includes some…
