Frontline, entry level healthcare workers are in high demand. In today’s competitive labor market, healthcare employers are searching for evidence based strategies to recruit and retain these essential workers. Although many entry level positions are low paying, the healthcare industry offers career pathways to positions that provide family sustaining wages. However, industry leaders often fail to recognize the valuable contributions of frontline staff and underinvest in their development.
CareerSTAT is leading to change this. An employerled healthcare initiative of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, CareerSTAT increases employer investment in the skills and careers of frontline healthcare workers. The initiative achieves its goals by engaging a national network of over 300 professionals in peer learning, documenting industry practices, recognizing “champion” organizations, and providing technical assistance.
To accelerate the adoption of evidence based practices and increase investment in frontline workers, the National Fund created the CareerSTAT Healthcare Workforce Development Academy (Academy).