Toolkit for Developing High-Performing Industry Partnerships

Racial Equity and Inclusion (REI)

Racial equity is one part of racial justice and includes addressing root causes of inequities, not just their manifestation. In the context of an industry partnership, racial equity and inclusion means adopting policies, practices, attitudes, and actions that produce equitable power, access, opportunities, treatment, impact, and outcomes for all.

Use Disaggregated Data by Race and Gender

Analyzing disaggregated data can help identify the root causes of inequities and mobilize investments to populations with the largest disparities in outcomes.

What success looks like

  • Ability to identify opportunities to improve outcomes for workers experiencing inequities.
  • Better capacity to observe improvements (or lack of) in disparities.
  • A process to implement interventions with a race equity lens.


Define Racial Equity and Inclusion

To identify the partnership’s racial equity and inclusion goals, all partners must understand a clear definition of racial equity and inclusion for the industry sector, employers, partners, and workers in the region.

What success looks like

  • Specific goals for reducing disparities in industry sectors and occupations.
  • Partners that are committed to changing their practices to achieve the agreed-upon REI goals for frontline workers and people of color.
  • Increased diversity of the workforce in different occupations within the targeted industry sector.


Share Worker Experiences and Resource

Employers and partners discuss and share information regarding different policies and practices that support racial equity and inclusion in employment and training programs, hiring, and career advancement.

What success looks like

  • Employer and stakeholder awareness increases, leading to a commitment to action.
  • Employers change policies and practices to support racial equity and inclusion.
  • An increase in placements, retention, wages, and advancement for people of color and others facing employment and income disparities.
  • Better outcomes for workers, e.g., credentials earned, job placement, retention, promotions, and wage gains.


Increase Awareness of Partner Roles

Employers, partners, and stakeholders need to understand their roles and make a commitment to address racial disparities. Partnerships play a key role in ensuring that workers and their communities are included in the process to identify and address disparities in hiring, credential attainment, advancement, and labor market mobility.

What success looks like

  • Partnership strategies are developed in concert with the communities and workers impacted.
  • Employers that are committed to racial equity and inclusion.
  • Employers change organizational culture and hiring, retention, and career advancement policies and practices.
  • Workplaces that are more equitable and attract diverse talent, leading to better retention and company profitability.


Develop Specific Indicators and Measures of Success

Success includes the collection of disaggregated baseline data according to race and gender and targets for improvement.

What success looks like

  • Equitable and culturally relevant programs and services for populations facing barriers to employment.
  • Ability to track the progress on goals, activities, and outcomes and inform future changes and improvements.


  • Roadmap for Racial Equity (National Skills Coalition) – This resource outlines workforce training and education policies to advance racial equity. The roadmap identifies specific goals at a systems-level that can serve as an example for industry partnerships.
  • National Equity Atlas (PolicyLink) – Use this to find disaggregated, longitudinal data on demographic change, racial and economic inclusion, and the economic benefits of equity for the largest 100 cities in America.

Identify Necessary Systems Changes

Only by addressing the role that systemic and structural racism play in employment and labor market mobility can partnerships achieve their equity goals.

What success looks like

  • Strategies to change the systems that perpetuate racism and limit access to jobs and labor market mobility.
