Designing a 'Good Job'

The National Fund’s Job Quality Initiative works with community and business leaders to improve the quality of American jobs. In partnership with its network of regional collaboratives, the National Fund is researching and promoting hiring, training, and workforce practices that improve firm competitiveness and job quality.

What does a quality job look like? The below graphic offers an array of components that can be used to create a dynamic definition. It is more of a menu 
than a mandate. Every element may not be relevant for every job, business or its workforce. When considering how to re-design a job, employers should consider their unique culture and needs and discuss interventions with frontline workers to identify the most impactful changes. This framework was developed by National Fund Senior Advisor Steven Dawson and originally published in Now or Never: Heeding the Call of Labor Market Demand by the Pinkerton Foundation.


Click here to download a PDF of this graphic.

Numerous factors—wages, supervision, benefits, culture—contribute to a good job and each worker or companies might value a different set of items; however, the National Fund seeks to isolate specific practices that improve the conditions of workers and the performance of companies. The Job Design Framework seeks to outline the various elements of a good job.


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Leading Employers

Thousands of American companies are leveraging the skills and talents of their employees by offering a quality job; however, too many businesses are missing out on the extra value their employees could provide if offered more supported or engagement. The National Fund and its partners have researched and documents dozens of companies across sectors to understand how these companies strengthen their operations by investing in their employees.

Company Case Studies:
The National Fund and CareerSTAT have developed long-form case studies on the following organizations to analyze specific practices that improve job quality.


CareerSTAT Employer Champions:

The National Fund has profiled 36 healthcare organizations that have been recognized for their exemplary investments in their frontline workers.

Young Adult Employer Champions:
The National Fund has recognized 33 companies that make specific investments in their young employees and have profiled: