The World Needs More Good Jobs

A good job has ripple effects that boost the economy, support families, and strengthen businesses and communities What the world needs now, are jobs, good jobs. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. No not just for…


Workforce Equity in the Jobs and Opportunity Reports

A conversation with Michelle Wilson and Jonathan Osei Even as the workforce grows more diverse, people of color face barriers to good jobs and economic mobility. With support from JPMorgan Chase, the National Fund for Workforce Solutions and PolicyLink are…


Good Jobs in Wisconsin Rapids: Mariani Packing Company

It’s a familiar story – a small Midwestern town loses a major manufacturing employer, leading to high unemployment and disruptions to the local economy. This was the case in Wisconsin Rapids, which had been the headquarters of Consolidated Papers, making…


Job Quality Is More Important Than Ever

In less than a decade, the National Fund has built a national movement around the practice of job quality It Starts With A Question In 2012, hospitals and large healthcare systems were asking a simple question: “Why are frontline workers…


Essential Workers Deserve Recognition and Support, Not Lip Service

Three case studies show how healthcare organizations improved a critical frontline job  Essential workers have been receiving long overdue recognition for their integral roles to keep our society running. But when we take a closer look at the quality of these jobs, the…


We Can’t Train Our Way out of This Crisis

The focus on training and placement during the Great Recession left our economy vulnerable and we’re paying the price today The coronavirus pandemic is teaching our nation a very painful lesson: An economy built on far too many low-wage, low-quality…


Re-Thinking Employee Benefits After COVID-19

Even as some employees head back to work, the financial burden on frontline workers remains severe. The ability to once again deposit a paycheck will not likely alleviate the mounting financial stress of the past several months. Prior to the…


On-The-Job Training Regional Spotlights

We partner with employers, intermediaries, and workers to co-create opportunities and solutions that allow workers to thrive. This includes training, upskilling, and workforce learning - such as on-the-job training. In-demand industries, like advanced manufacturing, require a more robust worker pipeline,…
