National Fund Partners on Apprenticeship Forward Conference

National Skills Coalition and New America to Host 2017 Apprenticeship: Forward Conference Following several years of expanded support from state, federal, business, and philanthropic leaders, apprenticeships are growing and innovating in unprecedented ways.  Nevertheless, the work of expanding apprenticeship in…


Webinar: Investing in the Frontline: A Lesson from the Health Care Sector

A good job has long been the entryway to financial stability and economic opportunity, but labor markets are changing. The share of middle-skill jobs—those that have traditionally provided entry to the middle class—has fallen while the share of frontline, service…


The Kellogg Foundation Invests $750,000 3-Year Grant in CareerSTAT

After four years of committed support from the Joyce Foundation, CareerSTAT received a three-year $750,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to expand its network and develop an Employer Academy to provide technical assistance to organizations starting or expanding workforce…


New Effort: Supporting Better Business Practices

With support from the Hitachi Foundation, the National Fund will be working with six local partners to positively change employer policies and practices to simultaneously benefit businesses and frontline workers. The National Fund is committed to finding and scaling successful policies that generate business impact for…


Meet the 'New' National Fund

The National Fund for Workforce Solutions has launched as an independent 501(c)(3) with an office in Washington, DC. For almost a decade, Jobs for the Future incubated the National Fund and provided critical support to its development, growth, and success, but as with all successfully…


My Brother's Keeper What Works Showcase

The National Fund for Workforce Solutions was invited to showcase its innovative approach to helping individuals access a good job at the White's My Brother's Keeper What Works Showcase. The event is co-hosted with the U.S. Department of Education, Campaign for Black Male…


National Fund Employers Recognized By UpSkill America

At a White House summit last Friday, the National Fund joined policymakers including U.S. Secretaries of Labor, Education, and Commerce, workforce practitioners, and leading employers from across the country to share insights into training workers and helping frontline workers acquire…


CareerEdge in International Economic Development Council Report

CareerEdge was recently featured as a successful example community investment and development. The report, Chutes and Ladders: The New Rules of the Game for Upskilling Workers, profiles CareerEdge's history, its success at partnering with economic development and workforce organizations to address key…


Pathways to Work's September 2016 Newsletter

Pathways to Work's September 2016 newsletter on their exciting progress in organizing a health care industry partnership and Parkland Hospital's recent designation as a CareerSTAT Frontline Worker Champion.


Collaborative Successes: Posters from 2015 Annual Meeting

During the National Fund 2015 Annual Meeting, more than a dozen collaboratives developed posters to showcase their top successes and achievements to date. The below posters show how National Fund regional collaboratives are investing in skills, improving workforce systems and…
